I am in serious trouble! November 1st is almost here and I am still without a solid plot! Heck, I'd settle for a wobbly plot at this point!
Tomorrow night, after the Tricks and Treats, I will be joining fellow Nano-ers in an Night-Owl kick-off writing session at a local 24 hour coffee house and I am terrified that midnight will roll around and I'll sit and stare at blank screen for hours.
But I was a winner last year and I will be a winner this year! I don't know how I'll do it, but those plot monkeys better be dropping by to help me out. This year I vow that not only will I win, but I will actually finish the whole story and not just stop because I hit 50K
All I know is: don't expect too much from me for the next 31 days.
To all who are participating in NaNo this year: Good luck and I'll see you on the other side of November.
May the plot monkeys be with you!